Tuesday 20 January 2009

What Can Cause Your Basement To Flood

Have you ever had a flood in your basement? Or have you ever seen a flooded basement before? It can do a lot of damage to your home and your personal things. It can cost you a lot of money to get the water out, and it will cost a lot of money to get it dried depending on how you go through and how good your insurance is. If you are renting, your landlord has to take care of it and get someone out there to clean it up because it is their responsibility to do so and because it belongs to them and not you. You need to try to prevent floods and water damage from happening in your home by checking all your pipes, making sure everything is sealed up right, boarding up the windows, sealing up all the cracks in the wall, and ensuring that everything is put up on a high shelf so it won't get damaged.

Water can leak right through the floors, walls, and anything that has not been sealed up the right way. It causes water damage to happen, which creates mold, makes things slimy or fall apart, and it will cause bad odors that could curl your nose. Floods can be caused from an excessive amount of melted snow, really heavy rain, hurricanes, water leaks, or from your septic tanks - if you have a septic tank that is! You don't want to even know what that can put in your basement. You can get sick, and you will have to throw away your stuff. For one, it will be hard to get out and second, you would not touch it anyway.

If the water is too high, you will have to get a hose in there to pump out the water and get it outside in a creek or something. It can take a long time to get the water out, so your best bet is to get an electric pump for that kind of job. After you get the water out of the basement, you will need to get it dry because the water has soaked in the wood and in all the other things that you have. You will have to dry it out so moisture will not set in and no mold will grow in your home. It will take hours to do this, but it will be worth it to save your home and your stuff. Also get a professional to clean it or to help you so you know it is done right.

Aydan Corkern is a writer of many topics, visit some of her sites, like
colorado water damage restoration and indiana water damage restoration.

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wireless weather station: weathervane

Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com

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